When it comes to upgrading your windows, it’s crucial that you make the right choice for your needs, and you might struggle to choose between double or triple-glazed windows.

Double glazing is becoming standard in UK homes after it first hit in the 1980s but now there’s a new contender on the market, triple glazing.

To help you choose, we’ve put together this handy guide to explain what they are, their difference, advantages, and costs to help you make an informed choice.

What is Double Glazing & Triple Glazing?

We’ll start with the basics first; a double-glazed window is made up of two panes of glass. These panes provide a barrier between the house and the outside.

The gap between the panes provides a good level of insulation, a feature that is great for those colder months. People that upgrade from single glazing to double-glazing will notice instantly the impact on their electricity bills as soon as they are installed.

Triple-glazed windows are made up of three panes of glass instead of two. These modern windows are designed to have good thermal efficiency to keep rising energy bills down and offer protection from noise. 

They are insulated to prevent heat loss and keep noise out. The cavity between each pane is usually filled with argon. This creates a seal that reduces the draft and prevents heat loss throughout the home. 


The main difference between double and triple glazing is that triple glazing has three panes of glass separated by two sealed layers of insulating gas, while double glazing has two panes of glass and one insulating layer of gas. This gives them different energy efficiency ratings, with most triple-glazed windows achieving a rating A++ and double-glazing achieving ratings between B and A+.

Another difference between double and triple glazing is that double is more versatile, in that it is available with all window materials and in every style. Triple glazing is typically only available with one or two materials and not in every style.

Advantages of Double Glazing

Double glazing retains heat, reduces draughts, and harvests the sun’s energy. Building regulations in England and Wales state that all new double-glazed windows must achieve a BFRC rating of B or above. Before 2002 that was as low as an E, so upgrading could be even more worthwhile than you think.

Less heat escaping through your windows leads to a warmer house during the winter months. The warmer your house feels, the less reliant you are on your heating, so you use less energy, and your bills are lower.

New double glazing is more secure than older double glazing and single-glazed windows. Depending on the manufacturer, they have strong construction and locking mechanisms with their own guarantees.

One of the benefits of double glazing is that it can add value to your home, particularly if it increases your Energy Performance Certificate, or EPC. This is the system that scores the energy efficiency of your home and improving it could increase the value of your home by 14%.

Advantages of Triple Glazing

As there are more panes of glass used in triple glazing. It is more effective at certain things. One of these is keeping noise out of the property at all day hours.

The thickness of triple glazing is a huge selling point especially for those who live in noisy areas. With a third pane of glass, there is an added layer in place. This gives an extra blanket of protection against outside noise.

Another benefit is that it provides the property with more security, as triple glazing is much stronger than single and double glazing. 

This means that if anyone does try to break into your property through the window. They will have a much more difficult time if you have invested in getting triple-glazed windows rather than one of the other options. 

Or you might be interested in the fact that it will make the property warmer as it stops heat loss more effectively than the other two.

This will, in turn, help to lower your gas or electric bill as there will be less heat escaping throughout the day, which means that you are not going to need your heating on as often.

The trapped heat will also help to make your household cosier which is going to be something important if you are trying to create a homely environment.


Triple glazing vs double glazing is a tricky comparison because choosing the right type of glazing for your home depends on what you need from your windows. Every home is different and it’s important to assess your windows room by room. You’re not limited to one type of glazing for your entire home either. 

If you’d like to speak to any of our glazing specialists about your windows, give us a call on 01535 958 183.